Cosmetic Cupcake manicure

Thank you so much for the well wishes and overwhelming response to my Birthday Giveaway! You guys rock! Just a quick post tonight to show you my celebration manicure to celebrate my 1st blog birthday. Yes I am corny like that and use any excuse to celebrate with a mani OK! I've wanted to do a cupcake manicure for a very long time now but I decided to save it for this blog milestone =D Here is my Cosmetic Cupcake manicure!

Cosmetic Cupcake manicure

I wanted some bling so I went with 3 coats of the awesome Rescue Beauty Lounge Frugalista on all fingers except accents. I hauled this beauty in the 50% off sale last year and am now kicking myself for only purchasing 4 polishes.

Close up:


Frugalista is a gorgeous silver and purple glitter and I now know why Rescue Beauty Lounge polishes are so hyped about! The polishes are just gorgeous and it was easy to apply and quick to dry.

Cosmetic cupcake manicure 3

I then freehanded cupcakes on my accent fingers by following Rina's great cupcake tutorial. You might notice that my cupcake is in the same colour scheme as my logo! It by no means looks like the work of art Claude made for me but I tried =p I didn't even attempt the lippie and nail polish bottle as it would have been a fail haha. I am still completely in love with my logo!!

For this design I used a coat of Butter London Pink Ribbon as a sheer base. I then used China Glaze Sugar High to freehand a thick French tip and used Kiss nail art striper in white for vertical stripes to complete the cupcake liner. I then drew a large half circle on top of the cupcake liner using Ulta 3 chocolate cake and added dark red bullions to make sprinkles.


The pic above is of the design on my right hand (which I hardly show) as I actually preferred the way I did the cupcake. I got lazy with my right hand and didn't add the cherry which I did using China Glaze Empowerment. I topped it all with a coat of Coffret D’or gel mode topcoat which Christina gave me in one of our swaps. The topcoat makes my nails so lovely and shiny! I have yet to fully use it properly though.

Cosmetic cupcake manicure 2

I'm now trying to think of a mani design for my actual birthday! What would you suggest?

Thanks for looking and don't forget to enter My Big Birthday Giveaway! I'll be catching up on comments tomorrow x)


  1. awww this is so cute!!! I love that it matches your blog banner!

  2. the motif is super cute and goes so well along with your blog theme! :D

  3. It looks so yummy and gorgeous!!Love glitter nails!!

  4. So adorable! I love how it matches your banner too, I want cupcake nails now! :) Great work

  5. this is so cute and it matches your blog! you should incorporate it into your banner.

  6. lovely so pretty! ive heard so many good things about rescue beauty lounge polishes! i really want the house of tudor ones. they look so pretty ^^

  7. Omg! This is SO cute and sparkly and I love it! I love your blog logo and this mani so fun way you to use it:) ...I love my Coffret D’or lip gloss and I'm so jealous that you have that, I'm guessing, very good quality top coat:)
    And congratulations for your blog birthday!<3

  8. very cute :) Happy blog-o-versary :)

  9. Absolutely gorgeous, i love it! xx

  10. The cupcake is so cute! I want to eat it LOL!

  11. That looks AMAZING!!! I saw you tweet about this and wondered what it as going to look like, LOVE it :) :) :) what a very, very happy birthday for your blog. ♥

  12. Oh mi gosh! You're so good with nail arts! :)

  13. how cute :D it looks great even when you freehanded it! i don't think i could get something half as good if i tried lol.

  14. you are so creative! :)
    would you mind doing a hello kitty inspired manicure or something with bright, bright colors? :)
    thank you very much! :D

  15. This manicure is beyond cute and absolutely perfect for your blog birthday! That RBL is stunning and the right amount of bling for a celebratory design, and the cupcakes are adorable.

  16. This is soooo cute! I wish I could free hand like you can!

  17. this is wayyy too cute! I love it!!! :D

  18. lovely cupcake. i'm going to check out your birthday giveaway now. i thought you might be interested in entering my ELF 83-piece makeup palette and nail polish set giveaway too!

  19. very nice color and the cake looks yummie :D

  20. Uwaaaa, congratulations on your blog birthday my dear friend <<<<<3
    And such a cute mani you chose to celebrate! This glitter polish you used is to die for? I am absolutely loving it! And the cupcake, it's so cute <3
    Hmmmm a birthday mani, I say do something with fish, for the Pisces sign. And glitter, lots of glitter ^_^

  21. sooooooooooooooo cute :)))))))))


    I love it so much!

  22. Happy blogoversary! And Happy Hearts' Day too! :)

  23. @Morgan: Thank you Morgan!

    @Jennifer: Thanks Jen! I really wanted to match my theme and I'm so happy it worked out =D

    @Blushingloves Irene Greece: I think I would wear glitter everyday if it weren't so hard to remove xp You can't go wrong with glitter!

  24. @Poised And Polished: Thanks hun! You should try cupcake nails yourself too =)

    @Enamel Girl: I'm a bit OCD and like to have things matched lol. That's a really great idea hun!

    @Patricia: Thank you for your kind comment Patricia =)

  25. @christine: Thanks Christine! =) I've only tried this RBL so far but I can definitely tell they live up to the quality and beauty that everyone seems to rave about. I totally agree that the Tudor ones are so pretty!! Too bad the price isn't =S

    @shiny: I'm so happy you like it hun!! I've wanted to incorporate my logo into my mani for ages and it was definitely fun =) I'm so lucky that my dear friend Christina gifted the top coat to me! It's definitely VERY high quality so I'm using it extremely sparingly.

    @Danielle: Cheers Danielle!!

  26. @Nikkay: Thanks Nikkay =)

    @Tassa: Hehe glad you like it Tassa!

    @Ellie: Thank you so much Ellie!

  27. @Spaceinvaders: Thank you!!

    @Mez: Awwwww you flatter me Mez! You are a sweetheart =) I'm so happy you like it! I've been waiting to do this mani for MONTHS now so it was good to finally see it on my nails!

    @Ahleessa: You are too kind! It's just lots of practise ;)

  28. @mandy: It just takes LOADS of practise, patience and a steady hand. More patience actually lol.

    @Antonia: Thank you Antonia! Sure I can definitely do a Hello Kitty manicure sometime. I've done one previously here:

    @Danielle: Awww you are always making me blush Danielle with your sweet compliments =) What better way to celebrate than with some glitter!

  29. @Angela: I need loads more practise with my freehand skills! It took aaaaages to do the cupcakes lol x)

    @Alice: Thanks Alice!!!

    @Cheryl: Thanks Cheryl. Hope you enter my giveaway!

  30. @Dhini: Thanks Dhini! I love cupcakes and always feel like them lol.

    @Amy: Hehe cheers Amy!!

    @Christina: Thank you so much my dear!! I wish I had gotten more of the RBL polishes now, they are simply devine! x) Ooooh great suggestion!! Definitely glitter and I'll see about a pisces sign =)

  31. @Karo: Thank you Karo!! It makes me so happy to hear you like it!

    @rins: Thanks Rina! Thanks for the great tutorial so that I could do this mani =D


Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment! I love reading your feedback and suggestions and truly appreciate each and every comment. I try to respond to all my questions as soon as I can in the comments so make sure to check back later.



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