Nail art gallery

As you all know nail art is a huge love of mine! I thought I would create this nail art gallery to showcase the nail art I've done since starting my little blog all in the one place. I hope you'll find some inspiration here to create your very own nail art!

Kawaii manicures:

 photo IMG_8044copy_zps466f5aa3.png photo IMG_8098copy_zpsd9eb9919.png photo IMG_2099copy_zpseb128506.png photo IMG_0702copy_zpsb7c8ef7b.png photo IMG_7470copy_zpsc3d9776f.png photo IMG_43182copy_zpsc438409e.png  photo IMG_2514copy_zps2fe7b6cb.png

Stamping manicures:

 photo IMG_8751copy_zps361cf2e5.png photo IMG_5260copy_zpseba93977.png

Festive, themed and inspired manicures:

 photo IMG_9597copy_zps2c8ea62a.png photo IMG_8236copy_zpse28c03eb.png photo IMG_7843copy_zps7a02994f.png photo IMG_1320copy_zpsb52eb994.png photo IMG_8815copy_zpsbb08e68c.png photo IMG_4837copy_zps0088b52d.png photo IMG_3623copy_zpsa3a3e26c.png photo IMG_0363copy_zps81be6979.pngPhotobucket

Freehand manicures:

 photo IMG_8338copy_zps688d2656.png

Simple manicures:

 photo IMG_8796copy_zpsbf14c0ad.png photo IMG_3762copy_zpsf6ac74c6.png photo IMG_0815copy_zpsfa32a6e5.png photo IMG_8566copy_zps5cad1d9b.png photo IMG_5944copy_zps1fffa32a.png photo IMG_3553copy_zps6110bb74.png photo IMG_2583copy_zpsc5775e1e.png
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