20Feb 2011

Nail Up! inspired Minx manicure

I have for you today a manicure inspired by a design I saw in Nail Up's 2011 book which I picked up in HK last year and just had to try for myself. I am seriously addicted to these magazines and their wonderful designs!! I always have trouble naming these manicures but this design had "Minx" at the bottom of it so let's just go with that!

I wore this yesterday when I went to a fabulous blogger meetup organised by lovely Tara from Keeping Up With Me. It was awesome to finally meet the lovely Sydney blogger ladies Jenny from My Funny Valentine, Anita from Love Vulcanella and Kimmi from The Plastic Diaries in the flesh after reading their wonderful blogs and talking to them on Twitter!! The day went by FAR too quickly and I'm so excited for the next meetup which will hopefully be very soon! Jenny wrote a great post with some gorgeous pics of what we got up to here.


The inspiration below for my mani. I didn't have all the elements that they used in the design unfortunately so as usual I did it with my own twist!


What I used:


Pinkies: I used 3 coats of China Glaze Lemon Fizz and applied a black star, silver and pink rhinestones.

Ring fingers: I used 2 coats of Ozotic Pro 604 (a gold scattered holo!!) and a few coats of Milani Jewel FX in gold.

Middle fingers: I used 2 coats of BYS Black Satin as a base. I then konaded full nail dots image from Konad plate m79 with white polish but it wasn't as opaque as I liked so I used a dotting tool and went over the dots with Nfu Oh acrylic paint in white.

Index fingers: I used 2 coats of China Glaze Something Sweet and then applied a black star and silver rhinestones and half pearls to the bottom of my nail.

Thumbs: Same design as middle fingers.


It didn't take me very long to do at all actually and I loved the result! The black and white polka dot would have to be my favourite and reminds me of a Minx design. Would you be interested in seeing me do some more inspired Japanese nail magazine manicures in the future? Many designs use acrylics which I can't do but the other designs are surprisingly doable! Let me know in the comments below what you think!

Thanks for looking as always! Don't forget to enter My Big Birthday Giveaway!


  1. wow i love this! love the ring finger xx

  2. Super cute!

    I love looking through Nail Up! magazines even though I can't read Japanese, the pictures are fantastic! I'd love to see some more inspired manis from you :)

  3. Did you make the dots yourself? It seems hard work! I absolutely love the design, I think I'm trying the polka dots for the next mani...

  4. This looks really gorgeous! I would definitely love to see more mani's inspired by Nail Up! Actually I love all your fun manis :)

  5. Oooh soooooooo cute!
    i loooooooooove this so much!

  6. It's really cute !
    And I like your design better :)
    Xx. S

  7. Ooh, this is really pretty! Definitely interested to see more Nail Up! inspired designs :D

  8. You did a great job. Yours looks better than the original in the magazine! Can we buy these magazines in Australia?

  9. I love the way your mani turned out! IMO, better than the mag :P. I love Japanese nail magazines for inspiration- sometimes they have some of the best designs.

  10. realy cute!! very "happy" mani ;-)

  11. Really cute, especially love your ring finger!

  12. Hi Chelle

    I really liked the the one on your ring finger the golden scattered one...its something to die for...and loved the pinkie one too..


  13. I love the dots, I've ordered some nail art tools to do things like this! I can't until it all arrives.

  14. Oh my, absolutely inspiring. I see why you wanted to "nail" this look (sorry, I'm feeling pun-ny this morning).

  15. Cute!! I like your ring finger a lot! It's so unique and cool :D

  16. This is so much sunshine! I dig the skittles so much!

  17. So cute!!! and i must say i'm not gonna pick any of it but all of it together that makes this sweet design~
    i shall recreate this! hehe...

  18. Oh I love it babe! I actually prefer yours ;) How gorguz is that gold holo?? Need to go on the hunt for something like that & yes pretty please to more of these! I really do find them so inspiring hun :)

    Love Aysh xoxo

  19. I think yours is cuter than the magazine!

  20. flawless. This is so cute!
    -I love all your nail designs

  21. This is so adorable!! I've been on the hunt for Milani Jewel FX for a while now - it's gorgeous!

  22. that looks so cool! x

  23. I love your nails, very pretty.

  24. 'chelle
    what are you talking about?
    your mani is pretty accurate and adobrable as the one in the picture! :)

  25. I LOVE this... I'm getting more and more into NP every day because of your blog posts. Yet to do something like this.. But I'm building up to it!!!

  26. Your improvisation turned out really good! The look of the ring finger looks like you've placed the gold glitter one by one..awesome!!!

  27. I love the color combination. The design is cute. I think I'ma try it tonight.

  28. nicely done! gorgeous mix of color and bling! <3 it! :)

  29. That's soooo cute ^^ well done ! I've followed you btw =D follow back if you want to x.

  30. Oh my goodness THANK YOU ladies for all your lovely comments! I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement =) I'll definitely do some more inspired manis!

    Unfortunately I don't have time today to reply to every comment like I usually do. But please know that I read every single comment!

    @Honolulu: I stamped them on 1st and then used a dotting tool to get them more opaque. They don't take too long to do!

    @S: Awww you are too kind!

    @Evermist: Where abouts in Aus are you? You can get nail mags from Kinokuniya in Sydney! I'm not sure if they have stores in other states though sorry!

    @Rachel Marie: Oh you are so sweet Rachel! ^_^ Some of the designs are just out of this world, I wish I had their talent.

    @Cherry Pullinger: Have fun playing with all your new supplies!

    @Chris: Thanks Chris! Hahahaahhaha that's something my boyfriend would say =p

    @Rachel: Hope you do try it Rachel!

    @Aysh & Freshie: Thanks ladies!

    @hiitscaila: Thanks hun! The Milani Jewel FX were on my wishlist from the 1st time I saw them. I LOVE them!!

    @†any: Awwww thank you =) I didn't have gold rhinestones or gold stars so I had to omit and substitute!

    @Mez: Oh I'm honoured!! Nail polish is so much fun and I'm glad you're getting inspiration from my posts =)

    @Kayleigh: I kind of did have to do that using the brush as it's really difficult to get the glitter onto the nail!

  31. they are cute! i don't have time to do my nails, but it's an eye candy looking at them.

  32. I would be VERY interested in seeing Japanese/possibly Korean inspired nail art. I'm obsessed with Asian nail designs and I'd really appreciate seeing your interpretation of some of them. I'm a new follower, and I'm very pleased with what I see on your blog. Keep up the amazing work.

  33. Uwaaaa, it's so lovely, you did a fantastic job with it dear!!! Japanese nail mags are so inspiring :D

  34. totally love it. especially your index finger. the pink is really nice and sweet.... gosh... makes me wanna get my nails done


Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment! I love reading your feedback and suggestions and truly appreciate each and every comment. I try to respond to all my questions as soon as I can in the comments so make sure to check back later.



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