White Ribbon Day 2011 manicure

November 25th is declared as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the White Ribbon has become the symbol of it. All violence is unacceptable and the White Ribbon campaign aims to prevent the most common form of male violence which is against women. Through it's yearly campaign and prevention initiatives, it hopes to change the attitudes and behaviours of men towards women and prevent violence. Far too many women are affected by violence - statistics show that 1 in 3 women in Australia over the age of 15 have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence at some time in their lives. With the patient group I work with, I witness the result of violence 1 time too many. It needs to end.

I have for you today my White Ribbon Day manicure in support of the White Ribbon campaign.

I used 2 coats of Face of Australia Titanium* on all fingers as a base and then used Kiss nail art striper in white to freehand the ribbon.

Show your support today by wearing a White Ribbon, buying White Ribbon merchandise or making a donation. For the men in your lives, they can show their support by swearing the White Ribbon Oath. The campaign is now the largest global male-led movement to stop men's violence against women. White Ribbon encourages Aussie men and boys to take the oath and to help make a positive change. It's a symbol of commitment to change and challenge attitudes that contribute to violence against women.

Stop violence against women.

* Product(s) sent to me for consideration but this in no way influenced my review in any way. As always, my reviews are my 100% honest opinion. My Disclosure Policy can be viewed here.


  1. Such a great mani for a great cause! x

  2. I love this. Gave me the shivers. Now, if only my freehand ribbon would look like that, then I'd be all set. :)

  3. Oh wow, i didn't realise today was white ribbon day >.< I need to be more aware of these things~ Thanks for this post! Love the nails! :)

  4. Beautiful mani & what an amazing campaign :) Love it huny, still can't believe that we both reached for this polish this week! Amazing!

    Love Aysh xoxo


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