Tiffany & Co manicure


I FINALLY got the chance to do a full manicure using my newly purchased Konad plates tonight. I decided to use China Glaze For Audrey which I just picked up today (and which is now my favourite colour!!) and Konad image plate 59 to do a Tiffany & Co inspired manicure.

CG For Audrey
CG For Audrey

CG For Audrey is an absolutely gorgeous colour!! It immediately conjures up images of Tiffany's, Audrey Hepburn and beautiful jewellery. It goes on smoothly and I got opacity with 2 coats. I thought it would be one of those colours that wouldn't really look good on me but it is just a beautiful colour.


I forgot to take a pic of what I used to make life a little easier (sorry!) but it was: Seche Clear base coat, CG For Audrey on tips and accent finger, Konad image plate 59, Konad special polish in white, rhinestones and Seche Vite top coat.


As you can see from above I'm still slowly getting the hang of konading! My placement is off and I smeared the design but practise makes perfect I guess.

I'll post up my new nail colours tomorrow =)

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  1. This is so cute, I love it! You placed those bows perfectly.

  2. I love it! its very Tiffany & co.!

  3. @Asami: It took many tries to get it somewhere close to the middle!

    @Meme: Thankyou =)

  4. Your konad technique is great.
    I am also a nurse!

  5. wow your nails look so pretty! i still suck at using the Konad stamper and need to practice more haha :P


  6. @tkj81: Thankyou! I am still very much a beginner at Konad though, there's a reason why I only took photos of my left hand =p
    Oh that's wonderful! What area do you work in and whereabouts? I always love to chat to other nurses and see what they've done in their careers as I'm still a new(ish) nurse.

    @Anita: It helps that the colour is so pretty! Practise makes perfect seriously, I'm still a total noob!

  7. thanks chelle for replying.
    i work in cardiothoracic ICU at St vincents.
    where do you work?
    do you wear polish to work?
    do you have acrylics??
    oh- i wanted to ask. i have bought a konad kit, i have tried it but when i go to transfer the image onto my nail it only transfers a little bit and doesnt stamp the whole image on. have you got any tips on how to improve this??

  8. @tkj81: ICU nurses ROCK! You guys are just so knowledgable and time manage SO well. I work at RPAH in Drug Health atm. I do wear nail polish at work on some days because I work in an outpatient unit but I never did when I was on the wards.

    No I've never tried acrylics actually, I prefer natural nails but I'd love to try them. Especially the awesome Japanese designs!

    Hmmmm I had similar problems with Konading at 1st too and with certain plates as well. I find the really intricate flower designs are the trickiest! I find scraping at a 45degree angle lightly and making sure to roll the stamper over the image really helps. Also what polishes are you using to konad?

    I hope that helps but I'm still mastering it too!

    @M.Ivette: Thankyou! I'm glad you like it. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower =)

  9. @Thriszha & ohmerde!: Thank you ladies!

  10. OMG been looking for a a tiffancy &co. colour to match my tiff&co. glasses ! thank you so much :))

  11. HOw did you manage to do the Konad so well? Teach me?
    I have the plate 65 but I cant seem to get the imaging properly on the french tip like u!


Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment! I love reading your feedback and suggestions and truly appreciate each and every comment. I try to respond to all my questions as soon as I can in the comments so make sure to check back later.



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