Yellow, purple and gold freehand rose manicure fail

I've been trying to master freehand rose nail art like in the Japanese nail mags without success for ages now. It's so frustrating as you can probably tell I LOVE rose manicures and the manis I've seen in the mags look so good. Every time I tried, the roses ended up looking like multi-coloured blobs! I was determined last week to try and make the roses work but in the end they still looked crap, just big and awkward =( I guess they looked somewhat alright from far away so don't look too closely at my pictures haha.


For this mani I used:

Pinky, middle and index fingers: I started off with 3 coats of Orly Lemonade. I then used a dotting tool from Born Pretty to place dots using China Glaze Grape Pop. I then used a small brush (also from Born Pretty) to add small lines using NARS Pokerface and China Glaze Sugar High. For the leaves I used OPI Jade is the New Black.

Ring finger: I used 2 coats of NARS Pokerface and then added a glitter half moon using Art Deco nail striper in gold glitter.

Thumb: 2 coats of OPI Glitzerland.



I loved the combination of yellow, purple and gold but I just wish I could get the hang of freehand roses! What nail art do you love but can't seem to get right?

Thanks for looking as always!


  1. LOVE the Orly Lemonade. Also yellow + purple is a good go-go.
    But the flowers looks so cute, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself!

  2. I love the yellow nail polish! Beautiful! =)
    It was very cute =)

  3. very pretty :) i neeeeed to teach myself how to do these roses I am procratinating over it lol

    shel xx

  4. i luv it~~~i think it is soooo pretty~~~my fav one is the purple with the gold on the bottom~~~looks real nice....


  5. I think this looks pretty good! I need to try rose nail art myself!

  6. I said on twitter that it's beautiful

  7. I dont think this is a fail . I like this a lot .

  8. What on earth do you mean sweety?? You've done an awesome job! Love it, so pretty! :) I think I actually have a dress with those colours! Would love to give it a go but no where near as talented as you me dear :)

    Love Aysh xoxo

  9. Really love the colour-combi and it looks great!!! I am not good with freehand roses, so what I do is just mixing 2 colours on the nail ^^ First apply a dark colour dot (large) then apply a small light colour dot in the large dot and make a swirl-movement with a dotting tool. Not sure if this can be of any help...

  10. I don't see a fail. I are a silly girl. I loves it. I think its cute.

  11. very pretty color combination michelle! NARS Pokerface looks so flattering against your skin tone!

    i've always wanted to try those gradient, glittery nail art i see on ViVi, but i couldn't get the hang out of my konad sponge nail art kit! hahaha

  12. I still think it looks pretty. :D I guess with more practice, you're be able to improve your flowers. Still~ great job!

  13. I don't think it's a fail! I think that maybe the dark colour is too dark..or that you should had used white to enlight some parts of the petals...

  14. @MonikaL It's such a cute yellow isn't it?! Awww thanks Monika, I just want my roses to look like the magazines!

    @Isabela Sousa: Thank you Isabela =)

    @Irishenchantment: Thanks hun! Definitely try doing them yourself ;)

  15. @Jessy: Thanks Jessy! NARS Pokerface is such a pretty polish. Glad you like it!

    @Cherry: Cheers hun!

  16. @Floor Daasvand: You are very sweet =)

    @Toyomi: Awww you're kind to say so! I just want my roses to look like the magazines >.<

  17. @Aysh: You are so sweet lovely!! ^_^ Thanks for your kind words about my mani. You need to give it a go yourself!!

    @Kayleigh: Thanks for reminding me of that way of doing the roses!! I'll give that a go next time =D

  18. @MissMidnightBlue: LOL thanks hun ;)

    @coffretgorge: Oh thank you!! I need to use Pokerface for a full mani, it's such a pretty pastel purple. LOL I haven't even opened my konad sponging kit so you're miles ahead of me!

  19. @tiffyama: You're very sweet hun! I need to practise more definitely.

    @Alice: Oh great idea Alice. I'll keep that in mind for next time!


Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment! I love reading your feedback and suggestions and truly appreciate each and every comment. I try to respond to all my questions as soon as I can in the comments so make sure to check back later.



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