Anyone interested in an international polish swap?

I was wondering if any of my lovely readers would be interested in doing an international polish swap with me for some awesome Aussie lacquers? I would love to introduce you to some great polishes from Down Under! Living in Aus however means I have very limited access to international brands. I am majorly lemming some flakies (Nubar 2010, Sally Hansen HT etc) and mainly interested in polishes from brands such as Nubar, Nfu Oh, Essence (Eclipse stuff!!), Color Club Claire’s, Zoya, Catrice etc - basically any brands which I can't get here!

I have access to BYS, Ulta 3, TBN, Mode, Glitter Gal and other little Aussie brands! Comments are playing up at the moment so shoot me an email if you are interested =)

Hope you're all having a great week! Thankfully it's Thursday tomorrow and then it's FRIDAY!!


  1. Hi!

    I'd looove to swap!:) I'm writing you an email right now :)

  2. Hi Chelle,

    sounds great, if there's anything in switzerland that's interestign you, let me know ;)!

    I know we have Claire's and essence, the other ones I'm not sure :)

  3. Heyyy! I'd love to swap, I'm going to contact you right now!!

  4. I see you have alot of response on your post, but I've also sent you an email about swapping.

  5. Hi!! I'de lovo to swap mainly because most of the polishes I see I can't get here.. The only one I can Swap with you is the eclipse stuff... Let me know if you're interessed :)


  6. If you are looking for anything from the states, I'm always up for a swap. I don't have anything from Australia yet. I'll shoot you an email.

  7. Thank you for the emails ladies! I will be emailing you all back shortly =) You guys ROCK.

  8. yes if you want !! i can find peggy sage polish for you a french brand profesionnal use !!

  9. Where do you buy your mode and Glitter Gal in Sydney? I never knew they were Aussie, in fact I've never heard of them but would love to try some! Please tell. :)

  10. @Joan: You can get Mode polishes and cosmetics from select pharmacies, you just have to hunt for them.
    For Glitter Gal, you can buy them from Gloss Cosmetics stores - they have stores in Hurstville and Parramatta. You can also go onto their website and order straight from them but shipping is a killer though I think. You can also see a full list of Glitter Gal stockists on the site.

    Hope that helps! =)

  11. I hope its not too late for another polish swap! Be emailing you soon!

  12. @Alice: Replied to your email!

  13. Wow this is so cool, i never had a swap and i am dying for Claire's polishes :D


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