Share your biggest indulgence with Skinny Cow to win!

This post is sponsored by Nuffnang and Skinny Cow.

When I was asked to write a post about over indulgence recently I couldn't decide what to write about! You all know my obsession with nail polish and makeup but food is another huge love of mine which I don't share often enough with you on my blog. Good food is something I never like to scrimp on and it's always a fitting reward after a tough week at work! The boy and I decided to head out to Chatswood last weekend to try out Shanghai Stories 1938 restaurant that his friend Julie recommended. It was well worth the trip over the bridge! Peep the yummy food we ordered below.

Shanghai Xiao Long Bao:

Prawn and pork wonton soup:

House special prawn toast:

Poached pork dumpling in chili oil:

Double seared beef buns:

Egg tarts:

Although we were already stuffed I couldn't resist ordering these adorable steamed red bean panda buns!!! Hello cuteness overload.

It was the perfect way to unwind and there is nothing quite like a day out with your favourite person who also loves food as much as you do.

Speaking of indulging oneself... the new and improved Skinny Cow Ice-Cream cookies are even more indulgent than ever! They're now 15% bigger (110mls per serve compared to the previous 95mls) which is something I won't complain about because it means MORE ice-cream! It will definitely satisfy your sweet cravings without guilt as they are 97% fat free and are low in calories. They contain just enough sugar to make them deliciously sweet but without using any artificial sweeteners!

The new Skinny Cow ice-cream recipe is sandwiched between two delicious chocolate biscuits and is available in three flavours; vanilla, caramel, and brand new for 2012 - delicious chocolate. You can find these yummy ice creams in the health section of the freezer aisle at your local supermarket now. Grab a box to get in on the Skinny Cow month of indulgence!

To win a $150 Westfield voucher, all you have to do is answer the following question:

What is your biggest indulgence?

Leave me a comment with your answer and email address below for your chance to win! The competition is open to Australian residents only and ends at 5pm AEST on June 8th 2012. The winner will be chosen by Nuffnang and Skinny Cow. See Terms & Conditions here.

Good luck!


  1. Those dim sum dishes look so good. I am from Shanghai, so I have a biased opinion about xiao long bao.

    Oh, I love skinny cow products. They are my go-to ice-cream.

  2. Oh yum those new Skinny Cow icecreams look yummy!

    My biggest indulgence is one I don't have very often (an I am a bit embarassed to admit it) but when I have people around for dinner I almost always make chocolate pudding for dessert just so I can eat it cold with vanilla icecream for breakfast the next day!

  3. I know you love amazing food! Your instagram pictures always make my mouth water haha. Those Skinny Cows look delicious. I wish we had them too in Belgium, low in kcals sounds perfect for me! I can't enter the giveaway as I'm not in Australia but good luck to those that are entering and thanks for hosting it 'Chelle!

  4. my biggest indulgence has to be food as well. I love food. After every meal I think about what I am going to eat next meal. I cry when I feel like I can't fit into my clothes, because damnit I LOVE FOOD. I take my work to lunch now just to eliminate the choice at the food court, because I stress too much over what I am going to eat. I get annoyed when I pick something and it is not that great, because I have wasted that eating opportunity on the wrong thing lol. Yessss I am obsessed with food and I generall over indulge until I am about to burst.

    The new cookies sound yummy, I think i'll go get some tonight actually lol.

    Email -

  5. Tinny
    tee.i.n.k at gmail dot com

    macaroons!! they are wayyy to sweet but sooo yum. i have yet to perfect making my own. many fails so far. but edible ones :)

  6. Yummy - I love Skinny Cow desserts and those panda buns are so cute!

  7. oooo yum! xiao long baos :)

    skincare! it's so bad :( i can never have enough :/



    My biggest indulgence happens only once a year on my birthday. I sit back and watch a P!nk or Lady Gaga dvd, while making plans and goals for the next year of my life, munching a plate of perfect nachos for dinner followed by apple pie & vanilla ice cream.

    Making plans is my ultimate indulgence. Focusing that much attention on my life and my happiness is fantastic, it tells me that l'm still happy enough to fight. That my depression hasn't won.

    I have no idea why l love to celebrate my birthday like this every year, but l guess eating something really delicious and not worrying about calories or anything along those lines is a great present to myself. Being born on the International Day of the Nacho certainly helps!

  9. My biggest indulgence would have to be from the weekend that just went! I am training for the marathon and don't usually over indulge, but after running 15km (the furthest i've ever ran in 1 go before without stopping) I decided I could indulge over the WHOLE weekend! I didn't go too crazy, but ate a lot of chocolate and honeycomb and snickers :) I felt I truly deserved it!

    Forgot my email address sorry!

  11. My biggest indulgence would have to be macarons. I love them so much that I wouldnt be able to stop myself. Baking is a big passion of mine so whenever I need something sweet, off to the kitchen I go to bake some macarons.


  12. OMG that cow with the measuring tape is so~ cute - i never knew skinny cow was sold in australia. i've seen number of youtube reviews in the US - but so happy it's sold here. will definitely check them out =) mmm

    my biggest indulgence, food wise, would have to be creamy hot chocolate.

  13. those panda buns look so cute!

    My biggest indulgence is Swiss hot chocolate, there are these special chocolate flakes that you melt into milk in the smooth and yummy! for a little bit extra, I add mini marshmallows

  14. i forgot my email too, oops

  15. My biggest indulgence would be ice cream, both me & my fiance LOVE it!! Even in the cold months.
    peita [at]

  16. Aw I wouldn't want to eat those adorable panda buns! SO cute! I love Skinny Cow, their sundaes are really yummy but I haven't tried these cookie ones yet, will have to pick them up next time I'm in the supermarket :)

    My indulgence would have to be cheese, most people have it accompanying their wine drinking but for me it is the other way around, the wine just compliments the delicious cheese!

    My email is

  17. I didn't know they had ice cream cookies!! *runs to the nearest supermarket*

    Haha my biggest indulgence would probably have to be hot chocolate and oreos :)

  18. My biggest indulgence was a family trip (my then 2 year old and my husband) to Disneyland in January 2010. It was the babymoon we never had and I'm so glad I worked so hard as a high school teacher to pay it off, cause within 2 years of that trip I had another 2 babies!

    I kept pinching myself when we were there, looking around and crying tears of joy, cause I couldn't believe we were in the "Happiest Place in the world"! My little girl loved it and she is nearly 5 now and still talks of going to "america-round!"

  19. I forgot to put my email addy

  20. My biggest indulgence is food too! I love a good meal after a tough day at work, it makes everything seem better.


  21. I have a major sweet tooth and have many indulgences but my biggest would have to be Adriano Zumbo macarons and cakes! I just love his desserts! I don't eat it often though, and sadly only eat them a few times a year!

  22. Those Skinny Cow cookies look amazing - yum! Seriously could go for some of the cute as panda buns right now, too :P

    I think that my biggest indulgence would have to be Victoria's Secret. I just adore everything on their website. They have ome of the cutest underwear and a friend bought me one of their newest fragrances when she was in the US.Come summertime, i think my bank account will be a little bit low after i do some damage with the swimwear section of their site, lol! Plus, those little pink gift bags the items come in are gorgeous! If we're talking food, though, then i can't go past Singapore noodles :) quailmeerkatpug (at]


  23. so apart from 1-nail polish! and 2-food! my biggest indulgence would have to be patterned scrapbooking paper. i just buy and buy it and never use it because i am always afraid that i will not find it again! so i have just piles of paper in cupboards waiting to be "loved"and used!!!

  24. oh and i almost forgot to add my email osirsiandloki at gmail dot com

  25. My biggest indulgence is waffles from Max Brenner!

  26. I started full time work this year and I bought myself the new IPad the day it was released. On my boyfriend's birthday, I bought him an Asus eepad. It was a true indulgence as you double your joy when you buy gifts for yourself and the people you love. The best present is seeing the smiles on their faces!


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