Cosmetic Cupcake 2.0!

Cosmetic Cupcake has had a makeover!!! I cannot tell you how unbelievably excited I am. It's been months of organising and designing by the hubby with quite a few delays but it is finally live!!

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Just a few new features I want to point out:

Updated social media links with my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, RSS etc so it's easier to get in touch and stay up to date with my ramblings.

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At the bottom of the page are some suggested posts for nail art, reviews and lifestyle and my most popular posts too. I've been blogging for 3 years now and it's a lot of posts to go through!

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And a nifty little "scroll to top" button the hubby wanted the blog to have! I must say it is very very handy!!

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It's all rather new so there's bound to be missing links and hiccups so bear with me and please let me know in the comments below if you find anything strange. There's still a few things that will be tweaked and updated over the new few months until it's finally the way I want it.

A huge thank you to the hubby for all his hard work!! There's no way I'd be able to get my blog looking like this sine I'm such a HTML noob lol. I hope you all like the new design as much as I do =)


  1. Love the new layout! The scroll to top button is definitely helpful and I love how clean and organized everything looks!

  2. great changes it looks lovely :)

  3. it turned out great. all the best for future postings :)

  4. Love it Michelle! Very girly :)

  5. I LOVE IT!

    It took me a little while to find the 'scroll to top' button. lol Fail. But such a smart idea!

    Good job, D!


Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment! I love reading your feedback and suggestions and truly appreciate each and every comment. I try to respond to all my questions as soon as I can in the comments so make sure to check back later.



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