Picture Polish Festival

Flakies are my absolute favourite finish IN THE WHOLE WORLD. I've been obsessed with them forever! I remember when they weren't easily accessible and I had to search high and low for these coveted little bottles of flakie goodness. This season, flakie polishes are being embraced by mainstream companies and are making a splash in a big way. Aussie company piCture pOlish have come out with THREE "flakie covers" and I have Festival for you today. WORD OF WARNING: IT'S SO AWESOME!!!!!!!! XD

Festival consists of varying sizes of blue, green, red and orange flakies in a clear base. Here I've layered 3 coats over a black creme (no topcoat) and OMG doesn't it just look fantastic?!!! I absolutely adore the different coloured flakies and the almost duochrome effect it has in different lighting. It makes a nice change from the single coloured flakies. I love them too but a change is always nice!

The flakies apply kind of sparsely so you'll need a few coats for full flakie effect. Because you need a few coats it does take a while to dry but it's so worth it in my opinion. The formula is on the thicker side but very easy to apply and the brush was a pleasure to use too.

Close up:

Overall: You NEED Festival in your life. Get thee onto their website and purchase yourself a bottle. Or 2. Or 3.

Details: piCture pOlish flakie covers can be purchased online from piCturepOlish.com.au for $11.90. They send internationally too!!

For a full list of international stockists you can check it out here.

Are you a fan of flakie polishes? Thanks for looking as always!

The product featured in this post was sent to me for consideration but this in no way influenced my review in any way. As always, my reviews are my 100% honest opinion. My Disclosure Policy can be viewed here.


  1. It´s beautiful!!, very similar to the Twisted top coat of Finger Paints :)

  2. looks gorgeous like a beautiful rainbow! Flakies are my fav too!

  3. YOINK! Off I go to pick up at least one... Haha, love this. Gorgeous shots and you've shown it off so well too! May I ask what colour black shade you've used? I'm looking for a new go-to-black nail polish... :)

  4. LOVE the look of these flakies!! WANT SO BAD!!

  5. @La loca de los esmaltes: It's stunning isn't it?? I wish I could get my hands on the Finger Paints flakies but unfortunately they aren't available in Aus =(

    @♥beauxs mom: Glad to hear you love flakies too! They are just amazing aren't they?? =)

  6. @Dustyn: LOL thanks so much hun!! I used 2 coats of BYS Black Satin for this. It's a pretty decent black but my bottle is getting a little thick. It's opaque in medium coats and dries quite quickly. I'm on the hunt for the perfect black creme myself actually!

    @Annica: GET YOURSELF SOME!!!! You won't regret it =D

  7. Wow! I also love flakies, and where I live I can't find one! I only have 2 and they came in a swap but the ones I have are those that are really really difficult to apply! But that one by piCture pOlish is just amazing! ^__^ And I noticed it reflects more that two colours! Astounding! *___*

  8. I LOVE flakies. I still haven't bought one yet. Today may be the day though

  9. I don't think I own a flakie in my entire collection....must try one out now. Festival looks fun!

  10. Oh gosh... more polishes to buy! hahaha!

    That's amazing.

  11. This looks amazing! I have to get one of these polishes.

  12. I cant stop drooling over this polish! its stunning

  13. Haha lol! I actually totally did not know you had done a post on flakies!! Just asked ya outta the blue! LOL! Oh my they are sooo GORGUZ! Need ASAP!

    Love Aysh xoxo


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