Konad lace manicure

Hi ladies! Today I have a konad lace manicure that I've been wanting to try for AAAAAAAGES and I finally got around to doing it yesterday. I saw this mani on Beautopia a while back and knew I had to try it for myself! I am LOVING rocking this mani and I don't want to take it off x)

I used 2 coats of Bloom Toni* (fully swatched here) and then konaded floral design from Konad plate m71 and fishnet design from Konad plate m57 using Konad Special polish in black. Can I just say that stamping with black is a MASSIVE PAIN IN THE FREAKING BUTT. The clean up is terrible!! I would use it more often to stamp if it wasn't for this. The black just gets everywhere on the stamper and scraper and I spent forever cleaning up my cuticles. But I think it was worth it in the end at least!

Beautopia stamped the fishnet design first and then the floral design which I should have done so the floral would stand out more. Oh well!

I stuffed my thumb up =(

Unfortunately most of my nail art for the near future will probably be more on the conservative side. I'm currently filling in for a position at work that needs a more toned down look as it requires going to some "serious" meetings etc! Work want me to apply for the position on a permanent basis in the coming months and while I'm learning the role I want a more tame look. If I do go for the job eventually and get it then I'll go crazy again haha! So expect more konad and demure and less glitter and brights sadly.

What do you think? Thanks for looking as always!

* Product sent to me for consideration but this in no way influenced my review in any way. As always, my reviews are my 100% honest opinion. My Disclosure Policy can be viewed here.


  1. That is just gorgeous. For real.

  2. It was definetly worth it! I love how it turnet out :D I must try this too sometimes :)

  3. looks gorgeous! I also do pop-up nail art on weekends because of the work, you'll get used to it.. :)

  4. This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing! Where can I buy this stamp? I want it so, so badly now!

  5. So perfect! I love how elegant and almost understated this looks. Tres chic 'chelle! xoxo

  6. Beauty! I can't wait to try it out! I have a fishnet one for sure, and I'm sure I have a floral one that would translate! I have to go sift through my stash now! :)

  7. Gorgeous nails as always...they are your trademark! :)

  8. I want lace nails too... but the best way I'd probably be able to do them is through decals cause I don't have konad stamps. :(

  9. beautiful mani darling, very sophisticated & pretty! :D

    Love Aysh xoxo

  10. This is gorgeous Michelle! I'm going to need to try this out ASAP!

  11. It's sooooo beautiful! I wish I knew how to do Konad, I'm just too clumsy for it :( Love the colour you used as a base too! x

  12. You are so talented! This look is stunning!

  13. This is so beautiful! I will have to try it soon! :)

  14. "Wow!" is all I can say. That's totally gorge!

  15. So lovely and delicate looking. U did a great job!

  16. Good luck with your job and I hope pastel and delicate nails will help ;)
    The design and specially the base color are so beautiful


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