Deborah Lippmann Forget You

A quick NOTD for you today using Deborah Lippmann Forget You. My sis gave me the Get This Party Started set for Christmas last year and gosh I love the polishes so much!! Actually I love all my Lippmann's equally haha xp

Forget You contains the same amazing glitter that's in Happy Birthday but in a black base. I used 2 coats over 1 coat of Glitter Gal Serpent Black*. Utter perfection and party time on my nails! It's going to be fun (NOT) removing it but oh well.. well worth it!

Close up:

I am dying to get my hands on her new glitter Let's Go Crazy but alas the wallet says no =( Thanks for looking as always ladies! =)

* Product(s) provided to me for consideration but this in no way influenced my review in any way. As always, my reviews are my 100% honest opinion. My Disclosure Policy can be viewed here.


  1. Replies
    1. Glad you like it! Deborah Lippmann makes the most wonderful glitters =)

  2. That is just perfect! Why haven't I seen this before? I want Let's Go Crazy too!

    1. I think because it was only released as part of the set and not separately. If you can get your hands on the set I say BUY IT!!!

  3. This is so pretty, i really like how the Get this Party Started Set looks like, i might order it on Amazon!


    1. Order it NOW Judy!!! You won't regret getting it =)

  4. Replies
    1. I love all my DL's so I can't choose a favourite!

  5. I hear you on the removing part! I can't keep myself from buying glitter polishes, especially when they are unique indies, but I always hesitate to actually wear them because removing glitter drives me nuts! I like using glitter bombs for my pedicures because I end up leaving them a lot longer, so I don't have to worry about it so soon, lol.

    1. Saaaaaaame! Even using the foil method for removal it's still a massive pain in the butt.

  6. Thats so pretty! I've got the exact same polish except its the American Apparel brand!

    1. Oh nice hun!! I've been curious about the American Apparel ones actually =)

  7. wow, that glitter is absolutely gorgeous!!

    1. I know right!! I didn't want to take my mani off xp

  8. Ive been wanting Let's go crazy for a while but it's a bit pricey. Sadly I think I want forget you as well even though that can't be good for my wallet. I just did a massive haul at the beginning of the month and already spent a lot. I have a feeling I'm going to be bankrupt in August but with all the stress lately polish has kept me calm. Now I just have to swatch them on my blog


    1. The polishes are on the pricey side unfortunately but they are so gorgeous I think they're worth the wait to save up for them. That's great that you've been hauling! Sorry to hear you've had a stressful month but at least you have all that lovely polish to play with. Polishing keeps me calm too!

  9. nice :D.. !!! great for a party hihi

  10. The serpent Black is a perfect fit. It looks like the Forget You by itself :P

  11. The serpent Black is a perfect fit. It looks like the Forget You by itself :P


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